Sexual Health
At Riva Health Clinic discretion is our main concern we respect sexual health is an essential part of adult life and recognize attending for certain types of appointments or tests, it can be embarrassing for the individual to the extent that you will taboo the subject and hope it goes away, unfortunately it will not, and with time if left untreated will only be detrimental to your overall health! We portray our discretion in the services offered by giving you package options in either attending our clinic or testing at home.
Should you require to be treated by certain sex professionals, we have both male and female doctors within our clinic to provide confidential advice and support during your consultations allowing you the time to discuss intimate questions at ease – please request your preference at the time of booking your clinical appointment to the receptionist. Sexual health does not only include testing for STD’s, also we provide services for; cervical smear screening, emergency contraception, provision in fitting / removal of long-acting contraception, polycystic ovary syndrome and hormonal deficiency screening.